About Japan (Geography)

Map of Japan 1940s,  Etsy                                       

Before I start my lessons, I will tell you just a few things about Japan and will add more in future posts, so that we all learn about the language's origin.


In Japanese, they call Japan, NIHON (にほん) or NIPPON (にっぽん). NIHON GO (にほんご), which means Japanese language. If you'd like to say a Japanese person, on the other hand, you'd say NIHONJIN (にほんじん)This is applied to all nationalities in Japanese, but we'll get to that subject later on.

Now let me give you a brief idea of Japan's structure: 
  •  Japan is an island in Asia, that was formed off of volcanic activity, which is why it is surrounded by mountains. Due to this, there is lack of space for living.
  •  The population is about 145 million that are spread around hundreds of islands, but the main populated islands are:

As I am a beginner, you'll find that I only use Hiragana and Katakana characters, but as I progress (and you too) we'll be using Kanji characters Insha'Allah.

P.S Chizu means map.


  1. You make it seem so easy to learn Japanese...Maybe you should teach Japanese once you've mastered the language)))
    I LOVE THE MAP!!! you're a genius...BRAVO!!!

  2. THANK YOU!!! XD
    I hope I can teach it one day...I love teaching...especially children cause I get to make illustrations and stuff.
    Can't wait until you start your Russian...maybe we'll both teach hehehe

  3. This is such a cute map! Great original content. :)


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