Daily Expressions - Farewells

Now let us learn how to say goodbye and welcome back.
さようなら is the most basic way of saying Goodbye. With family members you can use both Dewa mata では また or Ja mata じゃ また (without sayounara), which literally means Well then. My tutor usually says じゃ さようなら, which would mean Well then, goodbye. For a more casual way though, you can just say  また. 

My Advice:
In Japanese, you have many choices of words with the same meaning, so just like with your mother language, choose the words that flow more naturally to you and make it your own. Just make sure when you're doing that with Japanese, that it actually makes sense.

When parting in formal occasions on the other hand, it would be more polite to use Shitsurei shimasu しつれい します.
I'm sure you're saying why are there two phrases with the same meaning So long. Well in Japanese, when you go off to school or work and say your goodbyes to your family, there are special phrases for that. 

Let us say you're going to school:
いって らしゃい is what YOUR FAMILY would say to you when you're parting, which literally means go and come back

いって まいります is what YOU would say to your family members as you part, which literally means I'm going and coming back.

These are phrases you would say when coming back home, which are straightforward.

That's all folks!


  1. These were a few of my favourite things to learn at the beginning. Especially いって まいります.
    Love the illustrations, they’re the cutest...especially me leaving hahah!!!

    1. I hated learning these hahaha because I always used to confuse them!
      Thank you imouto!


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