Daily Expressions - Thanking

Thanking in Japanese is just like in any other language, there are levels of politeness. So I've made a Japanese 'POLITE-O-METER' so you would know which is more appropriate to use:

Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu is the most polite form of thanking. Arigatou by itself on the other hand, is not very polite. Although you are thanking someone, it is still considered very informal. The safest way to go is to use Arigatou Gozaimasu

Some people just use Doumo with their friends, which is the shortened version of Doumo Arigatou.

My Advice:
When you have many ways of expressing yourself whether it is gratitude or not, you should always check the level of politeness for that certain expression and choose which to use from the middle to the top. The Japanese use certain expressions depending on peoples' rankings, social status or age, so be carfeul not to offend anyone.
Now what about you're welcome?

Dou Itashimashite どう いたしまして is you're welcome, but it is seldom used in Japanese since it implies that you deserved to be thanked. While in some cases, it would be normal to say, in most you should just go with iie いいえ which is just plain no.

If someone thanked you, but you would like to thank them as well for their help (instead of saying you're welcome) to show them your appreciation, you say Kochira Koso こちらこそ.


  1. When you thank me I deserve to be thanked so I’ll always use Dou Itashimashite to you! And if there was a more formal way to say it then I would use that instead :P
    Maybe I should’ve checked this page? Or was it okay? Because you still didn’t teach me the very last part which might be in the lesson? Oopsies.


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