Transportation & Destinations


Today we look at a few means of transportation, through these illustrations:

There other means of transportation that I didn't add here because they are in Katakana such as Bus バス, Taxi タクシー and Helicopter ヘリコプタ.

To ask by what means someone will go somewhere, say 何で.

For example:
なん いきますか
(How will you go?)

くるま いきます
(I'll go by car)

follows all means of tranportation except for on foot you say あるいて いきます.

Now let us summerise the dialogue we looked at in the previous lesson, through a sentence:

ヌーラさん きんようび ラシャさん ちかてつ XYZデパート いきました
(On Friday, Noora went with Rasha to XYZ Department Store by Tube)

Last lesson we said that is used after nouns associated with places.  It is also used after nouns associated with time like in the sentence above きんようび(on Friday). Therefore is equivalent to:

- To (かいしゃ)
- On (どようび)
- At (5じ)

Now I'll just give you a list of destinations so you can use:

くうこう (Airport)
えき (Train Station)
ししゃ (Company Branch)
こうえん (Park)
うち/いえ (House)
としょかん (Library)
ほんや (Book Shop)
びじゅつかん (Museum)
ゆうびんきょく (Post Office)
ぎんこう (Bank)
えいがかん (Cinema)
たいしかん (Embassy)
びょういん (Hospital)
いちば (Market)
デパート (Department Store)
スーパー (Supermarket)
レストラン (Restaurant)
ホテル (Hotel)

* 〜かん means public place.

 じゃ、また あした!!!


    My FAVOURITE post...SO FAR!!!
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  2. HEHEHE thanx hope you'll use it to learn Japanese someday X}


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